Sunday, November 28, 2010

8 the release of HTC phones in 2010

Mobile phones may be among the products HTC HTC mobile users in Indonesia is very less, but I will try to review to be introduced to mobile phone lovers. In Indonesia Maybe HTC is still not as good as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Blackbary, Samsung and others, please note this phone is very sophisticated in addition to the design, performance and productivity is no less competitive with other mobile phone products that have been circulated beforehand.
HTC's latest mobile classified by categories: Design / Lifestyle, Performance, Social and Productivity. The portfolio is also seen that the latest HTC will carry the android and windows mobile. Here's a review about HTC phones by category:

Design / Lifestyle
HTC Legend - Android, Released March 2010
HTC Salsa - Android, Released June 2010
HTC Tide - Android, Released April 2010
HTC Buzz - Android, Released May 2010

Bravo HTC - Android, released April 2010
Photon HTC - Windows Mobile, Released April 2010
HTC Trophy - Windows Mobile, Released May 2010
Tera HTC - Windows Mo

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