Monday, November 29, 2010

TiPhone T55

1000 phone provides the title song yag you can enjoy live streaming. So, it takes koneke GPRS to play songs - songs that are stored on servers in the world Oline. But do not worry, because the GPRS connection to work perfectly, while audio quality was quite good sprayed.
Of course it could also melantunkanlagusecara offline via an audio player. At this entertainment, TiPhone T55 provides also features a TV, FM Radi and bereolusi VGA camera, for the time being TiPhone still using VGA resolution camera. Of temporary online services available contuohnya push email, broerWAP, My Island, Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, and friedter.
SIMcardGM Dual-GSM, GPRS, TV, FM RAaadio, VGA still camera, audio recorder, music player, MicroSD

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