Monday, November 29, 2010

advanced mobile phone nokia style N8

From an N8 You could expect a lot of features that carries the photographic lens 12 megapixel magnitude. This camera uses Carl Zeiss optics da lampukilat type of application Xenon.Sementara his video recorder that can record HD images bergerakseukuran (1280x720piksel). Interestingly, the presence of an HDMI port, meaning you can immediately review the video resolution tiggi hasiljepreta or indirectly kelayar television.
But really what I wait from a touch screen phone is the new Operating system Symbian ^ 3. There was supposedly this OS will issue meghadirkan iovatif da interface that can perform better dibading previous Symbian.
HSUPA: WiFi, GPS; layarsentuh AMOLED Capacitance, 3.5 inches; Symbian OS ^ 3; Camera 12 MP; Music; RadioFM; accelerometer, multitouch, Anti-scratch; a / v 3.5 mm; memory 16 GB, MicroSD, USB, Bluetooth 3.0; CPU 680 MHz, 256 MB RAM; Email: HTML, TV-Out, HDMI, Dolby, Digital plus, flash light 4.0.

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